
Make-Up Glaminars (classes)

Definition of a GLAMINAR: 
the most fun, information packed, glamour intensive class
by none other than yours truly.......Kandee!
Debuting at the same time as the IMATS in Pasadena...
if you're in town....see if there's still room!

spaces are very limited due to the high volume of people reserving their spots in the class
PLEASE leave a comment below with your contact info to reserve your space!
June 19th
Downtown Los Angeles

(possibly additional classes saturday & sunday morning)
This glam-packed class, is going to be a mega-intensive that will cover everything you need to know to set your make-up career on fire....and surpasss other make-up artists....

You will get:

* A gift bag of treasures....hand picked by me...with some of my favorite tools and make-up!

*You'll get a detailed shopping list of everything you need in your make-up kit to get started.

* A list of all the "top secret" supply houses and there pro-only, products.

*A list of all the cosmetic companies that will give you a make-up artist discount and what you need to apply.

*Face Charts

*You can bring a notebook to write or sketch anything down.

*Everything you need to know to start making money as a  make-up artist, asap!

here's more........l


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