I'm so excited!!! I got pictures from the Glaminars in LA!!!! I couldn't wait to organize them..so I just put up a few of me getting ready for the very first night!
You can see my lil' make-up set up...on top of my Zuca bag...ha ha ha ha...that thing is so handy!
I was being interviewed by the sweetest girl...from Univision...it was fun to be interviewed...I felt so fancy! hee hee hee
And I'm glad one of the make-up cases was perfectly placed, so I didn't have a Britney moment...but, yes I had on the proper undergarments! ha ha ha
I have been swimming in a sea of phone calls and emails..trying to set up the NY Glaminars for the end of August....it is very pricey to come out to NY I've realized! But I am so excited....I've never been to New York, and I can't wait!!!!
So, here's just a teaser of Glaminar photos...more on the way, I promise!!!
sending smiles and i hope in all that you do today...you see some small sparkles of hope and joy!!!!
photos by: Chris Sanchez (thanks Chris for all the photography!)
Chrisp Photography
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