when I was 12...I auditioned for the role of Alice, in Alice In Wonderland..it was a musical.
I got the part (insert...YAY!)...I made my outfit...a NEON Alice In Wonderland...3 tiered neon orange, green and pink skirt
neon shirt...neon headband, and some sort of brightly colored footwear, I'm sure....memory is a little hazy...ha ha ha
I sang, I wandered (under pink and orange stage lights)...talked to caterpillar's...
it was fun....every night, I loved it!
My favorite part about make-up, is the art and creative thinking that is involved...
this look was so fun to come up with...as an artist, this is my favorite...really "painting" and "designing" a look...

for the EYEBROWS...I first tried a gigantic pair of fake eyelashes...they looked bad....then I remembered I bought feathers for the Marie Antoinette look....so away I went to glue some feathers for eyebrows....I like the "Artsy" feel that they gave...very ethereal!
may I mention, that I really like Johnny Depp...(even when he was on 21 Jump Street...ha ha ha)

HAIR COLOR TIP: spend an extra dollar and buy the good hair color spray...mine was the store brand (Target, Wal-Mart, etc)....and it stunk, didn't really cover well....spend the extra 75 cents or so...it's worth it!
(before the ceremonial 10 face washings....to remove all feather-glue traces...)
watch and enjoy...please feel free to make a video response on youtube if you do this look! I'd love to see!
have a great day...remember "It's NEVER TOO LATE, to be who you might have been"- George Herbert (Julia Child was in her 50's when she started cooking!)
huge smiles, kandee
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