May I present, Her Royal Highness...the Queen of Hearts!
(this is my version of the Queen of Hearts, played by Helena Bonham Carter, in Tim Burton's, Alice In Wonderland....and her royal make-up!
Video FACTS: stay tuned til the end for a special treat for all of you precious blog-family!!! I heart you- from Kandee of Hearts! (hee hee) I show you how to get rid of your eyebrows - temporarily I used an Elmer's Glue Stick (like 50 cents at the store and a spatula...you can use a butter knife...I got my spatula at www.naimies.com
I was up until 6 am editing this video....I hope you like it...my eyeballs are burning! ha ha ha
ENJOY!!! Have a fantastic day!!! I heart you all!!!!! xo Kandee
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