* it was close with the high school dance.....
*and since someone wanted a "better birthday" and asked for some extra kandee-ness (here's the biz lady too)
Unfortunately, no one seemed to have photographed me with the "shaved" head....but here is 1-2 months post shaving (and yes I bleached it blonde...my natural roots are pretty darn dark)
and here we have young Kandee (wouldn't you know it- surrounded by "giant" candy) at her winter semi-formal called "SnowBall"- cheeseball! (with her brightly-shirted date, Landon)...his dad drove us since neither of us were of driving license age...(and I don't know why I'm slouching so bad here!)
and last but not least....the only time in my whole life that I've worn a business suit! (I'm on the left...my sister is the more "ballerina" stanced one with the "real suitcase"....I just had to use my mom's purse thing....but note the headband I'm wearing....this was in Kandee's-wear-a-headband-everyday-phase, it was either black (as seen here) or white...I will say I like the shoulder pads!
wait til you see what I'm doing today...check back and I'll post some sneak-peeks! huge love to your heart, whether it's happy or hurting! hugs and smiles, kandee
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