Bzzagent is a site that is word of mouth marketing.
I have been a bzzagent for almost a year now and I really love it! You fill out surveys so they know what you're interested in and if you qualify for a bzzcampaign then you may get to try out products that are either not out yet or are new to the market. I have gotten the opportunity to test out products from clean and clear, Burt's bees and L'oreal. They just ask that you share your opinions by submitting a report. You can also follow brands you love and add content about products you've tried and earn points to have more benefits. There's also a section where you can visit different websites, fill out a survey and share you thoughts on it that also gives you points. These points or "honeycombs" help you climb the ladder for earlier campaign invites. It might sound a little complicated but I promise you it's not and it's worth it!
Some info about Bzzagent:
We're a word-of-mouth media network powered by 600,000 people. We pair consumers with products and supply digital tools that make widespread opinion-sharing easy.
-We were founded in 2001
-We've run 600+ programs for major brands including Unilever, Kraft and Philips
-Our participants have spread word of mouth to nearly 100 million family and friends
-We've received 2 million reports submitted detailing first-hand brand-related conversations
The Bzzagent's word of mouth network:
Our word-of-mouth network is powered by our 600,000 socially connected Agents. Located throughout the US, Canada and the UK, our growing community is comprised of consumers who are:*
Viral: Twice as likely as the general public to recommend products and services
Tuned In: Twice as likely as the average consumer to keep up with a broad range of products and services
Our word-of-mouth network is powered by our 600,000 socially connected Agents. Located throughout the US, Canada and the UK, our growing community is comprised of consumers who are:*
Viral: Twice as likely as the general public to recommend products and services
Tuned In: Twice as likely as the average consumer to keep up with a broad range of products and services
Leaders: Four times as likely to qualify as a Conversation Catalystâ„¢ as the total public
Networked: Twice as many friends, neighbors and acquaintances as the general public
Our Agents are eager to try new products and share their opinions throughout their social networks. But our members do more than increase awareness about your products. Their honest recommendations add a layer of trust that's absent in traditional media. BzzAgent's word of mouth network can offer something that no other medium can: credibility.
I am in no way being compensated for telling you about this site, I just wanted to share some info on it for some of you out there that would like to test out some great products and share your thoughts on it!
If you have any questions please let know!
You can visit Bzzagent HERE
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