
Animal Testing

When I first started my blog I had a post about animal testing. I've since removed that post because I wanted to re-write it, and hopefully reach a larger audience.
What is animal testing?

There are a variety of different tests preformed on animals to determine the safety of a product when introducing a new ingredient. 

They will do anything from pouring chemicals in rabbits eyes, potentially causing them to go blind or shaving off their fur to test chemicals on their bare skin. Keep in mind the animals are given no pain relief, and are killed after the experiments.

It's not only rabbits

They also preform tests on mice, primates, cats, dogs, and even pigs!
What can I do to help?

Boycott the bad companies! While we can't make them stop today, we can do our best to not support such terrible animal cruelty.

Some of the bad guys

Procter & Gamble
Johnson & Johnson

If you would like to see a full list of the companies to avoid click here

The above companies own a lot of the brands you'll find at drugstores. Check the label, and if it's owned by any of the above, avoid it.

Some of the good guys!

Urban Decay
Too Faced
Hard Candy
Afterglow Cosmetics
Avalon Organics
Aubrey Organics
Yes To Carrots
Barry M
Beauty Without Cruelty
Ecco Bella
Desert Essence
Dickinson's Witch Hazel
Dr. Bronners
DuWop Cosmetics
e.l.f Cosmetics
Face of Australia 
Freeman Beauty
Garden Botanika
Hourglass Cosmetics
Kiss My Face
Wet 'n Wild
Method Products
Nature's Gate
Obsessive Compulsive Cosmetics
Prestige Cosmetics
Queen Helene
Badger (Sun Care)
Ocean Potion (Sun Care)
Zia Cosmetics
Honeybee Gardens

If you'd like to see a full list of the good companies, click here

Please note that no list is 100% accurate, If you're unsure about a brand you can email the company or ask me. 
If the company says "final products not tested on animals" or "unless required by law" avoid them. Animal testing is not required by law. It is required by law that companies must test new ingredients to make sure they're safe, but they do not have to test them on animals. They could avoid testing by simply using ingredients that have already been proven safe.

Companies like Procter & Gamble are just plain greedy, and don't care about animals. They want to come up with new ingredients so they can make false claims like "New hbgyusdbdjn compound makes lashes 5,000x thicker." 

Also keep in mind that just because a certain brand may not test on animals, it doesn't mean that the company that owns them doesn't. Burt's Bees doesn't test on animals, but they were bought out by Clorox who do test on animals.

If you have questions about which companies do and do not test on animals please just ask me in a comment! I'm happy to help. :)

Please write your own post about animal testing or share this one on your blog, let's get the word out!


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