
Animal Testing 2

This video is upsetting, but it's important. Thanks to the lovely Kristy for posting it.

We need to vote with our dollars ladies!

It isn't difficult to go cruelty free (I pinky promise!)

I think for some people it's a matter of selfishness because THEY don't want to give up THEIR favorite mascara or THEIR favorite blush, but in reality it's well worth it! ----- I don't mean this to offend anyone, and I'm really sorry if it does, but there literally are people who knowingly buy products tested on animals just because they refuse to give them up. -- We must remember that makeup is not a life or death item!

 If anything it gives us makeup addicts an excuse to experiment with new brands, and products!

I took this photo.. 
Kitten and I are happy to help you with any questions you may have. We have extensive knowledge of companies & their animal testing policies. (Kitten may need a few nap breaks though.) 

Here is an informative list of the good companies (also by Kristy)

& here's a list of the BAD companies


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