
Review: Sephora makeup-removing wipes

What it Claims: Cleanses and removes all types of makeup, even long-wearing makeup,without leaving any oily effect. For face, eyes and lips. Results are clear, fresh and soft skin. Suitable for even the most sensitive eyes, including contact lens wearers. Dermatologically and opthalmologically tested.

How to use: Lift the plastic lid, remove a wipe and apply to face, eyes and lips. No need to rinse. To avoid all risk of drying, immediately close the plastic lid after using wipes.

Price: $10 for 25 wipes

Where you can buy it: Only at Sephora and

My Rating: 4 peace signs

The Good: I love that the wipes are really large and smell good, a sort of fresh scent. Just like they claim there is no oily residue left over. It really gets all the face makeup off. I personally use these before I wash my face to make sure all the makeup gets removed. The package is small and convenient for travel or to just throw in your purse.

The Bad: It says they take off all makeup but for me none of my eye makeup came off at all and I didn't want to have to push really hard or scrub it hard. So these just basically take off face makeup only (foundations, powders, bronzers, etc.). The cost is also a downside for me, $10 for only 25 wipes is kind of not worth it but since I really like them it might not be too bad in the end.

Overall: I really really like these right now. I wish they had a textured wipe, I would like them even more. For the most part I just like the convenience of wipes and for me it's hard to find a wipe that doesn't irritate my skin or leave a oily film and since these do neither of those things it's a big plus. I would recommend these if you like to use wipes to remove your face makeup, but I wouldn't say they are totally essential since they don't remove eye makeup.

*Just MY opinion of this product. *


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