
Don't Need No Credit Card To Ride This Train Week: Nair Precision Face and Upper Lip Kit

So here's the deal. I don't HAVE a 'stache, per se. It's a few blonde hairs near the outer corners of my upper lip. I had been waxing it myself like, once every four months or so. And it takes a full four months before I need to worry about it. Everytime I even think about women bleaching/waxing/depilating their 'staches, BTW, I ALWAYS think of that Everybody Loves Raymond episode when Deborah gets caught by Ray bleaching her 'stache during her "alone time" and he, visibly horrified, asks her if she'll be tying any women to train tracks. HILAR.
Regardless, it's NOT sexy and I don't want it in my lifestyle. But there are things I'm willing to pay a professional to do. Like my fab quarterly haircuts with Matthew James at Sam Brocato Salon (I got one on Saturday and it continues to be the best bargain 'cut in NYC at only $85!).

But anywho, to ensure I don't have any "lipular forestation," as Raymond refers to it, I take matters into my own hands and employ Nair Precision Face and Upper Lip Kit ($5). You apply it with the convenient lip balmesque applicator, wait five minutes, wipe it off with a damp washcloth, then follow with some of the enclosed moisturizer. THAT'S IT. It painlessly depilates all traces of hair from my lifestyle, and I'm once again free for another four months.


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