
"It was like heaven, right smack in the middle of hell"

If you know where that quote is from, I'll love you forever! lol hahaha (it also gives you a clue about my new "thing" lol and if you know, yes i'm one of them! hahaha)

Anywayz...Sorry I haven't posted in the last couple days, I've been giving my laptop a break and catching up on other things I've been neglecting in the last little while. I've also been catching up with a couple friends that in our busy lives have slightly lost contact with, I never stopped thinking about them though. It feels great, I might already have girls night set up (which I desperately need more than I'm willing to admit! lol) so I can't wait for that. I have pics for upcoming posts uploaded to my computer now, I just need to edit and then they'll be up.

I also (just a like a few other bloggers) decided to not do any haul's for awhile, except for a swap I have coming up so that I can save my money. I'm horrible at saving and I always realize later on that I buy things just because not really thinking about whether or not I really needed it and then when I do need something I'm broke. Something I really need to work on. Since Christmas is creeping up extremely fast I need money for that and my birthday as well (even though I still have no clue what I'm doing). So, since I decided that I realized I needed something else to fill in those spots as far as posts go. I'm going to do a Pua (which is flower in Hawaiian) series of looks inspired by these hair flowers I make. I'm excited about it because I'm going to try and do some new things with my makeup and use colors I usually wouldn't.

I guess that's all for now, Hope you ladies are having a good week so far!


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