
piping hot video....

fresh from the oven....
here's is a lil' video I shot just walking around downtown LA a little bit....
I show ya stuff...
buy us cupcakes.....

and for the leggings......I got them at Forever 21....(the shirt too)
my SUPREME necklace I got at the Renegade Craft Fair in downtown...
or you can go to Dust Designs on Supreme or (cutlass supreme necklace)...
I don't know if she has anymore.....I can't find mine right now....and it makes me a little sad....not too sad...there are bigger things in life than losing a necklace...ha ha ha matter how rad it is! ha ha ha

hope you let's go on a walk......come on!

( can watch it bigger by clicking the lower right hand corner...where the YOUTUBE letters pop up! smiles, kandee)


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