--The key to great results with Ôscillation is a certain application technique. Apply in slow, straight and steady strokes.
--Don’t zig-zag and don’t wiggle!
--Don’t overpump the wand. There’s plenty of product on there for multiple coats.
--If at first you don’t succeed…don’t give up! Ôscillation takes a few tries to get the hang of it.
--Ôscillation is great for the lower lashes, so don’t forget to apply there.
Once you get your application method down, there are a few tricks you can try. Apply and then go back and re-apply to the tips alone. You can achieve impressive length. Or try this tip that a celebrity makeup artist shared: Put the wand right at the base of the lashes, activate the vibrating action and hold in place for a few seconds. Then slowly sweep to the tips of the lashes. It gives you beautiful thickness at the base and lots of oomph.
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