Have you ever felt that nothing good will happen for you? Are you in a situation where you:
are being teased
have recently broken up with someone
lost your job
are "lonely" and single
don't have enough money to pay bills
have been hurt by someone
abused my someone
are frustrated with life or your career
are being teased
are just sad...?
I could have said YESSSSS, to ALL of these at some point! (I'm sure you can too)...BUT...the good news...whenever I was in these BAD situations....something amazing came out of them!
1st thing:
IF you ARE SINGLE - this makes room in your life to find someone EVEN MORE AWESOME than the last person...
IF you've are being teased...KNOW that the coolest most creative and AMAZING people were teased..told they were horrible at what they did and so on....example: KANDEE in high school -teased!
IF you've lost (don't have) a job...this could be the open door to finally force you to start your own business or to go after something more creative or what you really love!!!
I have been in some very "un-hopefull" looking situations...thinking all hope for my dreams and future were gone....
but little did I know...because I was put into those situations....it caused something amazing to happen...i
ex: having all my little people and thinking.."how am I going to keep working 10-15 hours days on tv or photo shoots...."....and I had to moves a ways out of LA..
because I was in that situation it allowed me to start all my youtube videos...and now I am inspiring and encouraging people all over the world...that means more to me than any job on a tv set or photo shoot...
I really do care about each an everyone one of you that reads this or watches my videos...
I want to be a bright spot of love in a sometimes dark and lonely world....
REMEMBER: you're more beautiful than you know, more talented than you think, and more loved than you can imagine ~kandee
I love you into your bright and shiny new future!!!! the kandiest of them all!!!
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