*The colors look off cuz my camera picks up lighting weird and I was never in the same place taking each pic, so that's why they might all look a little different.*
Right after application

4 hours later, some very slight fading
8 hours later, a bit more fading
At the end of the day, 12 hours later
So, as you can see it has really really really great lasting power. I have used TONS of eyeliners and this one has totally impressed me, with most of the others by the time 12 hours came around it had almost completely disappeared. Oh and I also forgot to mention that this was with no touch ups at all, which I'm usually used to doing but strayed away from it this day. I hope this was good because I've never done one of these experiments before. Let me know if you all liked it, or if I should do something different with it. Thanks if you do!
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