
pregnant belly...

this is my sister on the left, and me with my pregnant belly on the right...look at my short hair...ha ha ha
this was me....5 years ago, I had a little princess, her name is Alani Shay, (shay for Shayn, because that's my middle name)...I was so surprised to see this precious little baby look up at me with blue eyes! (i never thought I'd have a blue eyes baby....!)
She is my girly princess...I love her so much!  (i can't show pictures of her, per my ex-husbands requests)...
I love that little princess, taking her to dance class in her tutu, buying her sparkly things...playing with make-up together...and her little sayings before she goes to bed, "mama, check on me every minute!"....I love her!
I can't believe it's been 5 years!
i love you Lanzi!!!


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