
Mirror Giveaway Winner Announced!

After sifting through MANY hilarious mirror faces (and even funnier mirror face STORIES), I have to declare the gal (pictured above) whose email address begins with skittles4u05 the winner! Skittles, email me your name and address to beautybloggingjunkie[at]gmail[dot]com and you'll get your beauty loot. Here's her hilar explanation:

Well, I have come forward to admit that I most definitely have a mirror face!

I put my lips together and kinda glare with my head tilted a little.
I didn't even know they existed until I came across your giveaway!
I am embarrassed to say that I was called out by my MALE boss!
I have a small office since we are moving to a big one. I was making the face in the picture in my compact mirror and my boss walked in on me.

He said not to worry when I get my BIGGER office I will have BIGGER mirrors to make BIGGER faces!

To the rest of you who submitted, thank you! Your mirror faces are HYSTER. Be sure to enter the next giveaway!

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