
So, I'm thinking...

about getting bangs and a little cut to my hair to give it some kind of style. I've been growing out my hair for so long that it's just so blah now. It doesn't do much of anything so I just wear it down and pin the side. No matter how much I try to style it, it just doesn't stay. I really like these...

I really really likey the second girl's cut because I don't want to lose much if any of my length and the shorter layers on the top would help out with volume since my hair likes to stay flat.

I especially LOVE how Kelly O's bangs look with that hat since I'm totally into hats right now. Also may I add that her pink lips are hot! I still need to find me a good hot pink that goes with me. Anywayz...

This is the best pic I have of all my hair down, when my bangs aren't pinned to the side they come to a little past my chin. The front goes to about the middle of my chest and the back is a few inches past the middle of my back.

(sorry i look all bootie in this pic, it was after a longggg day)

So, what cha think?? help a girl out!! lol. =)


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