
Happy New Year!!

Just wanted to wish you all a happy new year, may this be your best year yet! Aim for highest and do everything you want to do, this is your year!Much Love, Neeyuh...

Recommended Beauty Reading

Wendy at Product Fiend discovers a body scrub that helps rid her of Keratosis Pilaris.Babyassface shares a stealth tip about how to keep your neck looking young.Delicate braids win BellaSugar's hair trend award of 200...

the last make-up look of the year!

here's old' lang' Auld Lang Syne's she lies...the last make-up look of 2009!!!!!This is the new year's look I will be wearing if I have any plans to go out tonight! ha ha ha's a smokey, sultry look, that just looks gorgeous, and doesn't look lik eyou have 20 pounds of make-up on! ha ha ha ha...and I get compliments like crazy every time I do my make-up like this....this...

how to prevent unwanted kisses on New Years

Yeah...New Year's is all fun and great....til every girl, secretly in their mind, is dreading the midnight strike (well unless your with that special someone that all you wanna do is feel their "soup-coolers" against yours)...midnight brings out every drunken man that sees New Year's as free game in prime kissin season...EXAMPLE: many new years moons ago...I spent those few minutes dodging drunken...

Smashbox's Muse Spring 2009 Collection

Smashbox's Spring 2009 Muse Collection is intended to turn you into a muse and unleash your inner artist. It's very wood nymph, n'est-ce pas? I'm into it!Here's what the collection includes:BIONIC MASCARA in BLACK VIOLET ($19) BIONIC is the first ionic mascara for longer, stronger, more voluminous super-power lashes. The specially...

bigger is better....

when it comes to heart.....sometimes we get so caught up in the business of our lives..we forget about all the other hurting people in the sister got me this awesome hot pink heart, paper weight, carved out of soapstone, from Africa..., for me for Christmas! You can buy these cool, and rare products...that are handmade by women in africa, that support themselves and the orphans in that...

Situational Beauty and Fashion: The Office Crush

Just as there's a time and a place for "no makeup" makeup, there's also a time and a place for office crush beauty and fashion. It can be difficult depending on the level of conservative dress code at your office. I've worked in several work environments ranging from I'mTrying to Make This Suit Look Sexy in the Least/Business to I Promise I Dress Well Outside of Here - Here's a Glimpse/Business Casual....