I got a few requests to do tutorials on some of my looks so I'm working on that, it's hard! Especially since this is my first time doing a tut and I forget to take pics in between steps and all that but it should be good. Also, I got contacted by Sally's to try out some of their products so if you notice lots of reviews for hair stuff that's why. I really didn't wanna put that all out there to sound like I'm bragging but since this is a makeup blog I wanted you all to know why there would be quite a few hair product posts coming up.
It's 10 days from my b-day! I can't believe it, things are still up in the air about what to do. It doesn't matter to me as long as I'm with the ones I love and having fun.
Well I guess that's about it...be on the lookout for my first tutorial post!
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