I always read blogs that talk about nail art and I watch videos on how to make designs and all but when it comes to me actually doing it, I just don't have the patience. I tend to get discouraged if it doesn't come out right or looks crooked. But then again maybe it's because I don't have all the right tools for it. I need to get some and then I might be more willing. For the time being though I'm loving me some nail stickers and gems. I know it's pretty much cheating since all you have to do is peel, place and put some clear top coat over it and your done, but for now I'm addicted to them, lol! So I just thought I would share a pic of my nails with one of the cute little flower stickers on...

Nothing much, but I think it's cute. Do any of you ladies know a good place for not too expensive but good quality nails design tools? If so, I'd totally appreciate the suggestion!
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