
5+5 facts all about ME!

Ok so jesmakeup did this post a little while back and I figured since I haven't done too many "about me" posts I would do it. So here it goes...

Random Facts:

One-I am what is usually called a "big" girl, I put it that way because it's what I'm used to hearing. So that is why you don't see any pics of me in outfits or longer angles that include my body. I'm on a constant struggle to get the weight off, I'll get where I need to be but I know it takes time. It's a huge insecurity for me since there's so many gorgeous beauty bloggers out there that can show their bodies but I just can't, it's a hard subject for me even harder that I'm sharing it now.

Two-My first best friend ever is still my best friend today. I don't get to see her as much as I would like though because she lives in Cali now but I know she's always there for me no matter what.

Three- I am a mix of three nationalities and I know none of the languages.

Four-I'm realllly shy at first, then once I'm comfy around you I'm goofy and don't stop talking.

Five-I have a HUGE obsession with purses if a store sells purses I'll most likely buy one there. lol.

Now 5 *Filipino/Hawaiian/Mexican* Facts about me:

**Note:I really have no clue about my Mexican heritage because that is what my father is and he left my life at a young age.**

1.When was the last time you were back at your homeland? I have never been to the Philippines or Hawaii and I just been to TJ and another small town in Mexico.

2. Name 1 food dish from your culture you enjoy the most and why? Filipino Dish-Chicken Adobo. Hawaiian Dish-Chicken Katsu. Mexican Dish-Carne Asada. Their all just things as I grew up my family made and I love them all.

3. Name 1 house hold item that best resembles your culture.
We don't have anything that would really resemble them all.

4. Do you know how to speak in your language (besides English)? If so say a phrase or two.
I don't know how to speak any of the languages fluently, I just know little words here and there. Sux cuz I would really love to learn them all.

5. Which part of your country are you from? I know from what I was told my family is from around Manila in the Philippines and Maui in Hawaii (even though Hawaii isn't a country)

Ok well I hope you enjoyed getting to know me a little better!! =)


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