
I Love your blog!

So,Vanessa awarded/tagged mee so here it goes...

I Love Your Blog Rules:
1. Pass this award on to 7 people.
2. Answer the following questions using only one word. *No one else did so I guess I won't either!*

1. Where is your cell phone? Right next to me.
2. Where is your significant other? He's non existant at the moment! lol
3. Your hair color? Brownish black
4. Your mother? Filipino & Hawaiian
5. Your father? Mexican
6. Your favorite thing? Makeup,purses and anything animal print.
7. Your dream last night? A reoccuring dream about me marrying some random dude.
8. Your dream/goal? To just be succesful in life and do all the things I said I would.
9. The room you're in? Mine.
10. Your hobby? Cooking.
11. Your fear? To let life pass me by without fully enjoying it.
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? In my own house, having a job I love and possibly married.
13. Where were you last night? Home, packing.
14. What you're not? Shallow.
15. One of your wish-list items? The perfect purple zebra print purse.
16. Where you grew up? Las Vegas, NV.
17. The last thing you did? Slept.
18. What are you wearing? Jammies for now.
19. Your TV? Flat screen baybee!
20. Your pet? A retriever mix named Boba.
21. Your computer? Gateway laptop.
22. Your mood? Bored.
23. Missing someone? Always.
24. Your car? ehh I won't go
25. Something you're not wearing? uhh socks lol
26. Favorite store? MAC and Pac Sun.
27. Your summer? wasn't like it used to be...
28. Love someone? of course!
29. Your favorite color? Purple and Green
30. When is the last time you laughed? Last night.
31. Last time you cried? A couple weeks ago.
32. Are you a bitch? I don't think I am, but I can be just like anyone else.
33. Favorite Position? Hmmm...that's a hard one! There's so many... lol
34. Favorite Past Time? Reading, it relaxes me and makes me stop thinking about so much.
35. Are you a hater or a Lover? Lover.
37. Are you genuine or fake? Genuine, I can be fake though just ask my bestie, me and her are extremely fake with this one chick! lol
38. Any Vices? I'm a huge procrastinator (is that even a vice?)
39. Pro Life or Wire Hanger? No opinion.
40. McCAIN or OBAMA? No opinion.
41. Pro Plastic or Natural? I say natural all the way...
42. Dream Job? Makeup artist and Chef.
43. Were the last 11 questions PINK added on fun? Yep!

The blogs I love:
This is soooooo hard because I love so many and it's hard to narrow it down. I guess this is also like a "tag" but I'm just gonna list and if you've already done it at least you know your one of my faves!!

(No particular order)
1) Nessasary Makeup
2) Memoirs of a Shopping Addict
3) Van's Makeup Ride
4) Ahleessa 4 realz
5) Traces of Me
6) Diva 4 Less
7) My make up affinity


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