Price:$16 unless on sale
Where you can find it: Urbandecay.com, Ulta, and Sephora. (Only ones I know of atleast)
My Rating: 5 peace signs!
The Good: Everything! I'm sooo in LOVE with this eyeliner. I have the color Zero but I think I might try the other colors as well. I have been hooked on the MAC technakohl for years but this stuff is sooooooooo much better. It really does glide on really nicely, gives me a really intense black line and does not budge AT ALL. I always tend to yawn a lot in the morning and usually with my MAC it will run and start smudging and I'll have to wipe under my eyes and re apply but with this eyeliner I don't have to, it does also claim to be waterproof and as far as I can tell it's doing it's job. The other thing I really love is that I don't have to set it with black eyeshadow like I did before with the technakohl, it doesn't need any other steps for staying power at all. Oh I forgot to mention I'm wearing this on my waterline. I just can't think of more great things to say, it's definately my HG eyeliner.
The Bad: The price is a few dollars more than the MAC technakohl but I definately think it's worth it and if you can catch it on sale like I did with the friends and family sale it's totally worth the try. ( I just regret not buying more before the sale went off!)
Overall: Great product, I wish I would have discovered it A LOT sooner.
Also if anyone wants I can do a pic post showing it's staying power, I was thinking about doing one anyway so yeah.
Do any of you ladies out there love this eyeliner as much as I do?!
Hope you all are having a nice (long) weekend so far!
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