to know to know my love of animal prints...ha ha ha ha
I like how classic animal prints are (think 50's glam)...and how they always come back in style...
I never think they are out.....but that's true wear what you love, no matter who says what's in style! ha ha ha ha
So let's head to ZEBRA-town....
and yes....I did my toesies too! They don't want to be left out in high toe-bearing season!
I watched the lady in a salon do it...and I thought "I can do that...she's just randomly wiggling the brush every, here and there"....easy peezy!
here's what you need:
any polish to be the base color (I used a white from Wet N' Wild....super cheapo)
the super cool LA Colors ART DECO polish makes this sooooo easy (I used black, but they make all kinds of colors...(you can get them at
let's go have some fun!
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