
America's best dance crew.

Ok so I never really do random posts about just stuff I like so I thought I would talk about ABDC. Do any of you watch it? Who's your fave crew? Last night's show totally shocked me cuz I thought Supreme Soul would stay until the end. I loved their party like a rockstar performance. I can't decide who's my fave I'm leaning mostly towards SoReal cru. But I do have to admit this season has NOTHING on last season, I was torn between Jabbawockeez and Kaba Modern cuz they were both so good and this season none of the crews really wow me like before, even though I can't help but watch every week lol. Here's some vids for your viewing pleasure...haha.

Supreme Soul.

SoReal Cru.(tried to find a shorter one, but couldn't)

Ok that's all for now.Hope everyone has a great weekend!!

Neeyuh =]


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