
You've all made me a winner!!!!!!

hi guys....
I know my posts seemed to have gone on vacation....but believe me....yours truly was not...ha ha ha
I have done some super fun things this lat week....I'm gonna post them as soon as I can...
but here is what was waiting for me on my kitchen counter when i got home last night....a big box full of make-up treasures from ELLE magazine for being the winner for 2 weeks in a row!!!!!! Thanks to all of you precious and beautiful souls....rocked the vote for the Kandee videos like people rock concerts!!!
I am so honored to have won again...I received all the same make-up they used on GWEN STEFANI (i love her...and her article in the JULY issue, made me feel so normal...Ill tell you why in a sec...) with all the same make-up...I'm going to recreate her same exact look...look out for a new video!!! yay...finally! ha ha ha

Well, the best part about the interview is how fragile Gwen's spirit is....she comes across and this rad, super tough, yet uber-cool and stylie girl....yet in the article she is vulnerable, delicate, self-depricating, and questions her "coolness and style"....
I feel the same way...
a guy who filmed part of the LA Glaminars said, "you are so great to listen too and you are real because you are self-depricating at the same time, it makes you not at all pretentious"...
the truth is, my feelings get hurt...sometimes I'll read a mean or rude comment and i've let it ruin my whole day...replaying the cruel words again and again in my head...
I am slowly learning to not to let everything hurt me...i have been hurt a lot in my life...and many very mean things have been said to me....everything from hating the sound of my voice to how I walk, to things so awful I can't write them down even....
I know we were not created to soak up everyone's opinion, so I am slowly learning that it's okay when people say mean things, I don't have to let myself be hurt by them...
I do cry...I get heart gets sad for other people too...I was on the verge of tears all night after the Glaminars talking to girls who were moved to tears and so excited that I had shined a light on their heart to encourage their dreams and in turn,change their lives.....
i hope we can all be careful with our words...are we building others up or tearing them down? and to everyone that has been hurt or is hurting....know that we are stong, and beautiful, and the words only have the power we let them have.
I am deciding not to care about this person's opinion today! ha ha ha ha
may your heart swell with love and beauty...knowing you are loved and cared for...I want to pour love and the biggest hug into each one's heart right now...

and thanks so, so much for making the girl who never won that much and ate lunch by herself in highschool....a winner! hee hee hee

go to

thanks so guys are the best!!!! videos and posts are back in action!!! xoxo Kandee


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