Ever run out of shaving cream/gel and don't know what to use?? Well a couple months ago my bestie told me that she tried using conditioner in place of shaving gel and I remembered reading something about that in a magazine also so I thought why not try it.So not until about a month ago I found myself out of shaving gel and thought well I have this conditioner here, it's time to try it! Well let me tell you that it really does work and I LOVE it!
I don't know about everyone else but I always end up with leftover conditioners from when I was once using it and started something new and what better way to put it to good use then use it for an alternative to shaving gel?! I find the best thing to do is take a good amount and rub it in your hands for a few seconds to warm it up to make it easier to spread then just apply it to the area your going to shave, then shave away! One thing that may be a bad thing for some is that you might have to rinse off your shaver more frequently because conditioner tends to have a thicker formula and can buildup on the blades. Other than that though it works totally awesome and leaves your skin super super smooth afterwards. I've been using this for the past month and haven't had any bad reactions, breakouts, rashes or anything so I really really love it!
I know some of you might already do this or heard of it but I thought it was a really great thing to share since it's like shaving gel in a pinch.
Let me know if any of you try this and how it works out for you!
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