
Products I regret buying


I hope you're all having a great weekend so far!

OK, so I've debated on doing this post for awhile because I really don't like bashing products but I figured since it only helps if other people are thinking of buying these products to hear the bad side rather than only the good.

But yeah, I only have a few products because I give away things all the time and these were still left laying around.

1. ELF makeup remover cleansing cloths. I heard some pretty good reviews on these so I figured why not just try them. Well I ended up not liking them because they're really oily and burn my face a little, also if they get even a little close to my eyes they water like crazy. I gave them another chance when I ran out of my usual makeup wipes but they still disappointed me.

2. Suave professionals dry shampoo spray. I was so excited when I finally seen this in stores so I hurried and picked it up. I used it once and it really didn't do much for my hair at all then on top of that all the product evaporated so I never got to use it more than that one time. Boo!

3. Dove damage therapy daily moisture replenishing mist. Yes this was in my favorites once but while I was thinking it was this that was making my hair feel nice it was actually the combination of products I was using along with this. When I used this on it's own it did nothing for my hair at all, it was like spraying plain water on my hair.

4. NYC liquid liner in Pearlized black. I was in a rush one day and just grabbed this and man do I wish I had more time that day! First of all it has glitter in it which isn't at all pretty just makes the formula thick and chunky, second the brush is so flimsy I couldn't get a straight line no matter how hard I tired and forget trying to do a wing! Total fail.

Let me know if you like these types of posts and I'll for sure do more of them!

What's something you regret buying?


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