Where can I find it? Welstar's Website
What's included? The items themselves with pumps/sprays or droppers.
Overall rating

(Out of 5)
I would like to say thanks to the lovely owner, Mahara for sending me these products for review!
This is going to be my initial review of the products, I'll keep using them, and update later on with my progress.
This is going to be my initial review of the products, I'll keep using them, and update later on with my progress.
First off is the Blemish Synergy
If you saw my haul post you know that my skin has been terrible lately, so this definitely came at the right time!
To me it smells very lemony, and herbal.
It's a oil of sort, it doesn't feel thick or sticky.
I'll keep using this, and I'll have a post up soon letting you gals know if it helped with my blemishes!
Next is the Cuticle & Nail treatment fluid
Without treatment fluid
I tend to have very dry cuticles, and a problem with hangnails.
This has a very herbal scent, and absorbs/dries pretty fast.
This would be ideal for those with dry hands/nails and those who wear nail polish a lot.
Out of the two this one is my favorite!
Described as "Character: Harmonious, sweet wood, spicy undertones, rich fruit.
Effect: Inspire optimism, celebrate gratitude, and warm the heart. This scent is balancing and uplifting.
Contains: 100% Pure essential oils of cedar wood, vanilla, rosewood, patchouli and bergamot."
On me this one smells very vanilla-y, and sweet. If you love sugary/sweet scents this is for you!
Lighten Up essential oil synergy
"Character: Fruity, herbaceous, clean and light.
Recommended Use: A powerful antidepressant, brings tranquility and cheer.
Contains: 100% Pure essential oils of Tangerine, myrtle, cedar leaf, clary sage and lavender."
This is more of a spicy scent, with a fruity undertone!
These have lots of uses.
Pulse Points (Like a perfume.)
In bath
In shower
Foot soak
Nebulizing Diffuser
I don't notice much of a scent with this product.
It has an extremely soft texture, and goes on like butter!
Moisturizing & perfect for putting over lipsticks to add a glossy shine, I love it!
Ruby Glow lip-gloss and cheek tint
This does have a scent, I'm not exactly sure what, but to me it just smells very herbal.
I haven't tried this on my cheeks yet, but it's great on the lips!
It's very sheer, but it still adds a hint of color, moisture and shine, love this one too!
Here's how the lip products look in the tubes
Orange Blossom exfoliant
Smells nice, just like lemons & oranges with a hint of sweetness, and a bit herbal.
Has lots of exfoliating beads, goes on very smoothly, and doesn't seem as drying as most exfoliators.
Sea Spray facial moisturizer
Very strong herbal scent, if you love herbal scents you'd adore this!
This is great to take with you in your purse to freshen up or cool off throughout the day.
I tend to get quite dry skin, so I think this may not be rich enough for my skin, however this is ideal as a light moisturizer for those with normal/oily skin.
Clearly Soft gel cleanser
This has a lemon-y/mint/herbal scent.
It doesn't seem to be drying, and it has a nice consistency!
As I said above I'll have more info about these products once I use them more.
Some advantages
Fairly reasonable price
Natural ingredients
Not tested on animals
Scent (If you love herbal scents!)
I wish the moisturizer was a bit more rich!
Overall my favorite products would have to be the Orange Blossom Exfoliant, Cuticle & Nail treatment fluid, Lip Saver, and Ruby Glow!
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