I'm sure some of you already know this it's pretty basic but still good to share. This one is going to be about extending the life of your eyelash curler. I don't know if it's just me but I can't stand having to buy a new lash curler every so often or when you do buy a new one it only comes with one or sometimes no extra pads.

So this is what I do...about every couple weeks or when I see that my lash curler has a lot of gunk buildup from mascara and what not I clean it. First I take out the little pad, get a dish or small container and put some makeup remover in it then place the pad in it to soak. While that is soaking I take a makeup wipe and wipe the whole lash curler from top to bottom and especially the part where it almost sits against your eye and inside the little part where the pad goes. Take the pad out from soaking and still with the makeup wipe just take off everything on it and let it dry. For a little extra sanitization I spray some rubbing alcohol all over the lash curler and pad and let it dry, then put it back together and your good to go!
For me this is like making it brand new, it works so much better after a good cleaning!
If any of you try this let me know and tell me how it worked for you!
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