
Where have I been?!

Hey everyone!!

I'm so sorry for not posting in awhile, I've been SO busy last weekend I threw my bestie a baby shower and this week I was catching up on everything including sleep. I was so glad I was able to do this for her and for it to turn out as great as it did.

Here's some pictures from that day:

 The diaper cake I made!

 My bestie Rachel looking gorgeous as always!

 Rachel with all her gifts for the baby :)

 The cake that was SO delicious!!

The fruit kabobs that I made, they were a huge hit!

I had so much fun doing this for her, I tried to keep it a surprise but I told her about it anyway so she would be prepared. I can't wait for her baby girl to be here, we refer to her as little nanner since she hasn't decided on a name yet. I can't wait to be Auntie Niya!! :)

I'll be back very soon with beauty posts!


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