
Look who got her first shisems and eyeko!


I got both these packages last week when I was sick and they both put a little more sunshine in my days since I felt so horrible.

This one is from Tammy I emailed her asking if she was going to be selling shisem's again since I missed out on her sale and she very sweetly offered to get me some! I only asked for 2 and she included an extra as well as a lippie isn't she awesome?!!

I know I said Thank you alot but here it is again!! =)

Then...I was sad because I didn't email Van in time to buy the eyeko tinted moisturizer and out of nowhere she told me that she got me one and it was on it's way!! She also asked me if I wanted anything else from her sale and I was going to buy some MAC pigments and she sent me those as well as some other goodies. Look at that candle, isn't it the cutest?!

Thank you so much Van and Linea!!! =)

I still have tons of items left in my sale, to check it out click HERE


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