
I've got MAD LOVE for...

Freeman Avocado & Oatmeal Clay Mask.

It's sort of a rekindled love because I neglected it for so long while trying other things and now I see why I should have never left it behind. Unlike Queen Helene Mint Julep Mask (which I also used at one point but couldn't stand it's harshness) this stuff is AWESOME!! It leaves my very oily skin soft, glowy and refreshed. At first application is has a slight tingle but once it starts to dry it goes away. It takes about 15 minutes to dry and for me I notice such a difference in my skin after rinsing it's like my weekly skin rejuvenator. Also just in case you were wondering here are some of the benefits on the main ingredients. Avocado is a great antioxidant and can be used to cure skin disorders it also smoothes rashes and rough skin. Oatmeal is a natural skin calmer, great for hydrating, helps with redness, is great as an exfoliator and makes skin glow. I would totally recommend this for you oily skinned ladies (like me) that need a skin pick me up.

If you have any questions about this that I might have left out, just let me know!


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