
eyebrows: the good, the bad, the ugly.

a picture says it all....

eyebrows make a big, bushy, difference....

I've seen the good, the bad, and the ugly....and I am ready to share with you my addiction/obsession, with creating eyebrows...that will send people clammoring for  the scoop, on your razor-sharp-lookin' eyebrows...and a good pair of tweezers

so...I was going to do my first intructo-video..but unfortunately my voice has hit the road...via the highway of my cold....

for now I'm gonna get you ready....

tool list for killer eyebrows...

so gather these essentials:

#1- a good pair of tweezers (i'e tried many a tweezer...and nothing works like a tweezerman)

#2- a pair of curved cuticle trimmers (can be purchased at any drugstore...usually where you find nail files, polish....that kind of stuff)

#3- an eyebrow brush/comb (you can pick up one of these for super cheap, in any cosmetics department of your favorite store...Target, Wal-mart, you get the idea)

#4- and last, but not pictured....a business card....any form of hard cardstock will due...index card...anything (you'll find out why later)

get all these babies ready....and hopefully my voice will have a homecoming....and you will be raising some eyebrows of your own.


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