
Smokey black : Angelina Jolie "Wanted" Look

Items used:
  • Pack in MAC Nehru all over the eyelid, concentrate the color in the outer V
  • Pack in MAC Carbon in the crease and the outer V
  • Apply MAC Charred in the inner v
  • Use MAC Charred in the crease and to smoke it out towards the brow
  • Use MAC Shroom to highlight
  • Apply MAC Blacktrack as an eyeliner on the upper lid and smudge it
  • Apply Loreal HIP gel liner on the waterline
  • Smudge it with MAC Carbon
  • I wanted to add a little bit of glitter, so I smudged MAC Dark Soul pigment (damp) below the waterline and over the eyeliner on the upper lid
  • Curl your lashes and apply loads of mascara
  • [Optional] Apply Ardell false lashes #124 and curl lashes again


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