I did a review a couple weeks back about the Rimmel fix and perfect primer and jeSmakeup requested that I do an experiment post to show how it holds up. Sorry I took so long! I kept forgetting to take pics but here it is...
*Note this is an experiment on my extremely oily skin, if you have different skin than me you might have different results*
Right after application

At the end of the day, a little over 10 hours later. So, as you can see I got pretty oily. This was on a day I was outside for part of the day and inside the rest so weather/heat only played a small part. Now that I've been using this for weeks the less and less I like it. My skin has been breaking out lately too so I'm thinking this might be a culprit because it's the only thing I've changed in the things I put on my face.
Well it looks like I better head to MAC and get me another primer...
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