You know it's a subject I take VERY seriously. So obv, today is the Product Polygamy day I've been waiting for the whole damn week. Without further ado:
The Barb: PureOlogy SuperStraight
The Nicki: Alterna Ten
The Margene: Pantene Volume Shampoo ($5) I love this and it's FIVE DOLLARS. You know I have expensive taste when it comes to shampoo. Alterna Ten costs a cool $60. But Pantene just WORKS. Their volume shampoo is perfect: it clarifies and infuses hair with bouncy bouncy volume. It leaves my hair soft and shiny. I simply pair it with a super fance conditioner and feel like a virtuous frugalista.
The Barb: Bumble and bumble Super Rich Conditioner
The Nicki: Terax Crema
The Margene: David Babaii for WildAid Hydrating Conditioner
The Barb: T3 Evolution
The Nicki: Conair 1" Curling Iron [Julia Allison recommended it and I'm HOOKED. P.S. It costs $15.]
The Margene: The Remington Airwave ($30) OBSESSED. I know that's like, the most hackneyed word in the beauty industry, but there's plum no other way to describe my feeling about this piece of blessed machinery. It's magic. That's all. MAGIC. It creates gorgeous waves via its cra tunnel attachment. I know. It sounds insane. I had been hesitant to use this because my hair is curly and I worried that I'd need to straighten it first before I could get it to form a good wave. It sat in my bedroom all lonely and forlorn because I was afraid of it. I didn't UNDERSTAND it. Then on Tuesday, I saw that Carolyn had some freaking cute waves at the end of her hair and I interrogated the S out of her. She'd used the Remington. That's it. No curling iron. No rollers. I was intrigued, so I tried it last night and was MUCH impressed.
So here's what you do. You blow out your roots/bangs with the dryer using the straightening attachment. Then, when your hair is 30% dry, you push 1" sections through the tunnel which will twist your hair ON ITS OWN into a mini tornado. You then remove the dryer from the section and you have PERFECT SPIRAL WAVES. I RAN out of the bathroom to show my roommate, who asked to borrow Remi (I've named him) TOMORROW. And it's $30!!! My hair looks far more fab than when I spend HOURS blow-drying with a round brush and THEN curling every single piece. Remi does it all in 15 minutes, tops. GET ONE.
What hair products is Daneen engaging in polygamous relashes with? Find out at Spoiled Pretty!
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