That said, I ADORE The City. I'm cheering for Whit in her all too real Welcome to the World of New York Men initiation which is horrendous for a young gal who doesn't know better. She's learning pretty quickly though, is she not? Unfortch, that Jay is probably the douchiest dude in all the land. I think Amy Odell said it best on New York mag's The Cut blog:
Jay wears those opaque neon-orange sunglasses that one really must call "shades." He tells Shirtless [his friend he's playing basketball with] he wants to see other people and Whitney. Well, obviously. That's how The City works.

Anywho, I've spent every day of '09 thus far "Olivifying" my 'do. I cannot stop myself from rocking the small side twists, dolls. It's so... fun. I've been applying a thickening agent while my hair is wet and then twisting middle-parted one-inch sections and securing them with a Goody blonde bobby pin (pack of two for $5!) or one of Goody's Mini Claw Clips (pictured, left $2.49).

I have to say, I am on Team The City/The Hills Hair even more than I am on Team Gossip Girl Hair (which natch involves headbands as opposed to twists.)
And now for the vital question: Which team are YOU on?
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