I had to talk with an attorney about a court date I have for this monday...this court date scares me, I've seen unjust things take place in courtrooms...I am being faced with false accusations about me which aren't true...and I do not want to go to court at all....but I will not let someone accuse me of things which aren't true.
My day was feeling overwhelming...and all I wanted was to have someone put their arms around me and tell me it would all be okay. Then, I looked outside my door...and it was as if God said, here's a present for you...this "kandee colored" sky to bring joy to your heart. It was like giving soul a hug, and I could feel, in this "heavenly" beauty that I was receiving the biggest, most heart warming hug around!
Sometimes we don't always have people close to us, to comfort us, or to hug us, but we do always have the Man Upstairs, to comfort our hurting hearts.
Sometimes we don's take notice of this little "heavenly" moments of beauty. I encourage each one of you that reads this...to open your hearts and your eyes, to enjoy and see these "special" treasures that sprinkle beauty into our day.
Notice the person smiling at you at the store...and smile back, notice a pretty flower, and maybe even breathe in it's perfumey goodness. Look at the sky for enchanting twinkly stars, or your very own candy colored sunset. These little moments are what make life beautiful, and sometimes we get so busy and caught up in our own world that we shut our eyes to the beauty and joy that God is trying to sprinkle into our lives!
I hope you see a sunset or moonrise that makes you pause...and take in some heart beauty!
huge love and hot pink sunsets...kandee
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