
Purchase Clinique Dramatically Different Moisturizing Lotion in October

My very best friend Lee's mom has been a part of my lifestyle since I was FIVE. No trip to suburbal (a personal joke amongst my coworkers) Pennsylvania to visit my parental units is complete without going to Lee's house to see her mom. And raid her always-packed fridge. And show her my latest TJ Maxx purchases.

Anywho, Lee's mother is in her mid 50s, but you wouldn't know it were you to look at her skin. It looks pretty phenom. Over the past 23 years, a lot has changed, but not her moisturizer! She confesses to never having strayed from Clinique Dramatically Different Moisturizer. Ever. Not one time. The beauty product monogamy! Have you ever? Mrs. M (Lee's mom and a breast cancer survivor ) will be glad to hear that when you purchase a Clinique Dramatically Different Moisturizer ($35 for 6.7 fl. oz.) in October, $10 of the proceeds go to The Breast Cancer Research Foundation. It even comes in a bottle adorned with pink ribbons and silver-tone "C" charms.


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