
I'm back!!

We got back in yesterday evening, we ended up staying the night and driving back in the morning. I got my new furniture from Ikea and can't wait to get it all put together and set up. I read ahbeeedotcom's and Tracy's comments about going to Americana but I didn't get a chance to because it got pretty late when we left Ikea and everyone was tired and just wanted to get something to eat and rest. So, Thank you ladies!! Next time I'm definitely gonna check it out, my bestie even said it was awesome so hopefully I get back there soon and go. Ohhh and also to my surprise I got to see my bestie Rachel who I haven't seen since July! I didn't even know I was going to until we were half way to Burbank and we stopped off where she lives in Santa Clarita and she came to Ikea with us and spent the day. I was SO happy! I always have so much fun with her and it's always non stop laughs. I wish we lived closer, but what can you do. Well, I'm gonna get to bed since it's coming up on 2am and I have lots to do today. I have a haul to share I'll post tomorrow so be on the look out for that. Have a awesome Sunday everyone!! =)


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